There are many benefits to sealcoating the asphalt to your driveway or parking lot.
Think of sealcoating more of as a preventative maintenance for your diveway or parking lot, similar to how you paint your home to keep the weather from deteriorating the wood.
New sealcoating can preserve the resilience of asphalt surfaces and help hide small cracks, patches and rough spots as well as making traffic lines on parking lots more visible. Sealcoat that is applied correctly makes your asphalt driveway look cleaner because rain washes dirt and debris easily away from the smooth, non-porous surface.
Another benefit of sealcoating, is that it helps protect the asphalt from the sun as well as the harmful effects of chemical spills such as oil and gasoline, both which are all too common on a driveway or parkinglot. Asphalt sealcoating fills surface voids, which reduces exposure to oxygen and UV rays and reduces the depth to which oil or gas can penetrate the asphalt.
The price of asphalt will always be affected by crude oil prices, which fluctuate when supplies vary. Sealcoating preserves asphalt for pennies per square foot, verses costly asphalt repairs.